Farm Trellis works in partnership with the state and local governments to acquire between 100-200 hectares of unutilized farmable land reserves within each local government. We provide the necessary capital investment to develop the required infrastructure for the development of farm estates within the respective local governments. Then we establish the framework to enable independent investors to lease/purchase individual subplots in the farm estates to optimize the utility and productivity of all land within the reserve. Finally a fair revenue/production sharing formula shall be developed and agreed upon between the project investors, the host communities, the local and state governments to facilitate a mutually beneficial relationship between all parties.


Stakeholders and beneficiaries of the project include: States Governments; Inter-governmental and Regional Organizations; Financial Institutions, Donors, and Foundations; Research Organizations, Universities and Extension; Smallholder farmers and their organizations; Business enterprises, including large scale farmers; Civil Society Organizations; Workers and their Organizations; Communities; and Consumer Organizations.


Date: 2022
Client: Rural Community
Location: Enugu, Nigeria
Value: $25,000+